Friday, 10 October 2014


Take Time for Marketing
The key to maintaining a year-round marketing
program, without those nasty peaks and valleys
that can cost you so dearly, is effective
preplanning. Have you written down your annual
marketing plan? It doesn't have to be elaborate-
just an outline will do, so long as you also
schedule your tactics in a contact management
software program or even on a paper calendar.
With an outline and schedule for your basic
marketing tactics, you can "gang" production and
planning. For example, a monthly e-newsletter is a
terrific way to maintain contact with prospects and
takes less time than making individual phone calls.
Each quarter, you can plan three issues at once,
picking your topics and compiling content so that
on the designated monthly mailing dates your
newsletters are ready to go.
There's no hard and fast rule telling you exactly
how much time you should spend marketing your
businesses. In the fastest-growing businesses with
sales of $1 million or less, the owners tend to
spend from about 25 percent to nearly 40 percent
of their time in sales and marketing every week.
However, if your business is new, you may need to
devote about 60 percent of your time for a while to
get it up and running. The most important thing is
to maintain a consistent effort. This will keep your
growth rate steady and enable you to more
effectively build your business over time.

For more enquiries,
Contact: +2348060412749
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