Sometimes packaging can be a useless system if you are only a wise one and not smart as well.it is your smartness that utilizes your wiseness to the maximum point.Example is an undergraduate student who has a good business idea which should be best exercised at the moment but now thinking will have more time to focus on the business as a graduate.he never met people ahead of him to know that more responsibilities comes your way as the days go by."wisdom is the principal thing,therefore get wisdom.But in all your getting,get understanding".
GETTING UNDERSTANDING simply means you can be "UNDER" and as well "STANDING" when you maximize people around you to the fullest. Some of these people were given a target to meet up with most of the times,failure to meet up with that might attract disciplines like salary deduction,threat,joblessness and all sorts.VALUE CREATION
The most important skill in business today is your ability to sell i.e offer more values.
Your pay will always be measured in respect of the values you are willing to offer.No organization will let you go when you added more values into the organization.Its so amazing now that people want increase when nothing has been planted though. You! first have something to offer and if you are not rewarded with wealth,my advice to you is that you find a place where you will be celebrated and add more colours to yourself.
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Contact: +2348060412749
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