Tuesday, 23 September 2014


5. Why You Should Never Stop
Long-term business success relies on continuous
personal growth. Achieving that means being
better today than you were yesterday, and being
better tomorrow than you are today. A common
mistake for many entrepreneurs is that they "just
don't have time" to work on the things that will
make them better at what they do. They get caught
up in the daily operations of their business and
can't see past that. You may have heard the old
saw that some things are urgent and some are
important, but few things are both. Many business
owners spend their time on the urgent things
because their lack of planning and long-term
perspective continually creates additional urgent
things. Self-education is a good example of
something that is extremely important but not at
all urgent.
What you must do is immerse yourself in data and
make it your goal to absorb and understand that
information, turn it into knowledge and then use
that knowledge to gain experience. This, of course,
is a long-term task, and the main reason most
people fail to stay with it is because the feedback
loop is so long. It often takes months of hard work
before you start to see positive changes-you won't
see the changes as they happen, but you'll look
back one day and be amazed at how much your
judgment and business skills have grown. You'll
feel yourself start to think more clearly, you'll
understand more of what you see and hear, and
your entrepreneurial vision will become clearer.

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Thursday, 18 September 2014


 4.Creating a Think Tank for Your Business
As a business professional, you need a constant
supply of information to achieve success. You
must stay aware of trends and issues and keep up
with rapid economic and technological changes to
become and stay competitive.
You may have already discovered that it's next to
impossible to keep up with all this information on
your own. There is simply too much of it.
Fortunately, the knowledge you lack is always
someone else's specialty, so you can turn to
others for help. There are usually at least a few
people who can help you deal with certain issues
or special problems that you may encounter in the
business or profession you are in or are interested
in entering. In lieu of specific knowledge, you must
know in advance whom to contact and where to go
to get the information you need.
When you've identified your most important
contacts, start connecting with these people to
enhance and improve your knowledge network. As
you do this, your network and the information you
need to build your business will expand and grow.

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Tuesday, 16 September 2014


3.Develop Your Social Capital
Social capital is very similar to its monetary
sibling. It, like monetary capital, is accumulated by
an individual or a business and used in the
production of wealth. Put more simply, it's the
accumulation of resources developed through
personal and professional networks. These
resources include ideas, knowledge, information,
opportunities, contacts and, of course, referrals.
Effectively developing your social capital can be a
daunting task. However, doing so within a
structured, organized networking framework will
leverage your efforts and help you begin building
your balance of capital to positively impact your
bottom line. A key way that social capital is
acquired is through networking because successful
networking is all about building and maintaining
solid, professional relationships. Plan your word-
of-mouth marketing efforts just as you would any
marketing effort. Give referrals constantly. It helps
build your contact network, and good business
karma as well. And show professionalism at all
times. Being dependable, delivering a product on
time, meeting appointments consistently and
treating others with courtesy will give you a
professional reputation and cause you to be
remembered by those you wish to have become a
contributor to your social capital.

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Saturday, 6 September 2014


6.Absorb everything, and then let your brain
make connections for you.
The brain is designed to make connections. When
we focus too intently on a given task, we can grow
tense, and our brain closes off. Masters read and
absorb everything that could be related to
stimulate the brain into making a leap.
That's how Louis Pasteur made the leap that lead
to vaccines. He spent years developing germ
theory, which enabled him to see the importance of a group of chickens that survived injection with an
old culture of disease. As he said, "Chance favors
only the prepared mind."
7. Avoid putting things into familiar categories.
The most creative minds resist one of the brain's
signature tendencies, to put things in easy
categories, to use a mental shorthand to simplify
everything. With an effort to alter perspective, that
can change.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin came up with the
insight that made Google by seeing what seemed
to be a trivial flaw, bad results in search engines
that ranked pages by how often something was
mentioned. One anomaly led them to a vastly
more effective path.

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Wednesday, 3 September 2014


4. Engage in deep observation, practice
incessantly, and experiment.
Deep observation
You don't need to impress people. You need to
watch them. By learning the rules, you can
Practice, practice, practice
Our brains are set up to master skills. By repeating
one thing over and over again, neurons are
recruited, hardwired, and mirrored. That's one of
the reasons you never forget how to ride a bike.
You don't know if you're a master until you test it.
Do it before you're ready so you actually learn.
5. Value learning over money so you're not a
slave to everyone's opinion.
Instead of a more lucrative, time-consuming
commercial job, Martha Graham took a poorly
paying teaching job that allowed her time to train
and develop the innovations in dance that made
her as revolutionary as Picasso was for painting.
Training, learning, and mentorship don't come from
the highest-paying, highest-pressure jobs. Those
lead you down a conservative path of pleasing

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Tuesday, 2 September 2014


3. Rebel against the wrong path, and use that
anger as motivation.
Mozart was a child prodigy on the piano. At a very
young age, his domineering father toured Europe
with him. When he discovered a talent for unique
composition, his father suppressed it. It wasn't
until he rejected his father entirely that he became
a master.
We are often attracted to the wrong things, whether
it be money, fame, or approval.
In other words, if your parents are leaving beyond your financial expectations,then I'm happy to tell you that they might not be able to teach you how to get rich.
My breakfast for you today is simple,the best thing that has ever happened to me in life is that I have fought and won for my freedom and I've been living in this for the past 11/12 years.the question is how?.

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